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Some photos from the opening party of the WATERCOLORFIELD Exhibition
Association of Hungarian Water Painters
My works in the exhibition: Poets (2010), Free Thoughts II. (2023).
It can be visited until March 29 in Széthárom! Budapest V. Szép Street 1/b.
Photos: László Varga, Eszter Láng, Zsuzsanna Szabados

With two works from the Still Lifes and Café Houses series at the exhibition.
Thank you for the invitation.

Exhibition of six painters, art teachers and good friends

It can be seen in the ETELE plaza between December 12-20
my painting Table still life with coffee maker

My cafe painting Mobile in the background of the opening speech
ArtRegister / Roads and junctions (K Gallery) until January 31, 2024
Budapest District V. Magyar utca 44.
Monday: Closed, Tuesday-Thursday: 11:00-17:00, Friday: 14:00-18:00,
Saturday-Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Holiday opening hours: closed until December 21, 2023 – January 8, 2024.
Photo: Zsuzsi Simon

BREAKING TIME Group exhibition
Opening: 15.12.2023. Friday 5 p.m Madách Theatre, Tolnay Salon
Exhibiting painters: Dénes Lehel Kelemen, Katalin Könyv, Tamás Opánszki,
Erzsébet Páljános, Anikó Pethő, Dávid Utcai
It will be opened by the artist Enikő Détár
Contributor: musician András Bágyi, handpan artist
It can be viewed until 14.01.2014 before the performances and during breaks.
Budapest VII. 31 Erzsébet körút.

My cafe painting Mobile at the Artregister – Roads and Branches exhibition

Based on the jury’s decision, the Literary Still Life II. my collage
is in Tatabánya in the XV. At the Autumn Exhibition

My bicycle painting at the Ajka Exhibition between October 20 and November 10

Our exhibition opens on Tuesday next week in Prague at the Liszt Institute.
This time there are five paintings by me: two works from the coffee house series, two still lifes and an ice hockey theme. It can be viewed until October 30, 2023.
Monday 13.00 – 16.00, Tuesday – Thursday 9.00 – 18.00, Friday 9.00 – 12.00