Tamás Opánszki

Born in Budapest, 1980. 11. 10.

I’m living and painting in Budapest, Zugló.
I’m a member of the Hungarian Artist National Society, the Society of Hungarian Painters
and the Society of Hungarian Watercolor Painters.


1999-2004: Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
Master Degree, Painting and Teacher Class
Master: Zsigmond Károlyi painter
1995-1999: Secondary School of Fine and Applied Arts Budapest
Painter Class
Teachers: András Végh and Attila Szalai painters
1990-1995: Zilahy György Art Studio
Teachers: Ilona Ferk and András Topor painters
1990. Art Camp Zebegény

Study trip

2011: Hargita county (Erdély)
2008: Szabadka, Magyarkanizsa (Vajdaság)
2006: Brüssel, England, Scotland

Carrier in teaching

I have been teaching drawing and visual culture and history of architecture at the BKSZC Frigyes Schulek Bilingual Technical School of Architecture since 2005. (http://schulek.bkszc.hu/)
Between, 2004-2005 I was head teacher of the Kassák Club in Zugló.

Own exhibitions

2022. – Table still life (Tamás Dúzsi Budapest Wineshop & Gallery)
2021. – Still lifes II. (Palace Gallery, Csokonai Cultural and Art Center)
2019. – Drive (Piano Art Café)
2017. – Still lifes (Hungarian Writers Union Clubhall)
2015. – Night flow (Café tango)  Fuga Budapest Center of Architecture
– Works and days (Hungarian Studio Gallery)
/With Dénes Kelemen and Péter Sántha painters/
2013. „Rush, pulse –I see!” SPORT+ Event
(Hungarian Olympic and Sportmuseum)
2011. – Hockey players (Hungarian Olympic and Sportmuseum)
– Night terrace (Szertár Café Gallery, Budaörs)
2010. – Forte (Harmati Yamaha motorsalon)
– Café at night (Hadik café)
2009. “Fragment” Hommage À Radnóti (Karinthy Salon)
/With  Gabriella Makhult graphic and Csaba Vörös sculptor/
2008. “Take five” (Merlin Theatre) /With Barna Jenei, Renáta Kulpinszky, Márton Szabó sculptors/
2005. “Moving” (Millenaris Fogadó, Csiga Galéria)
2004. Unitarian Gallery
2003. American Club
2002. Anonymus Restaurant Gallery Szentendre
2001. – Thurzó Architecture Gallery
– Unitarian Gallery /With Dénes Kelemen/
2000. Csokonai Art and Community Center

Group exhibitions

2024. – ArtRegister Christmas (ETELE Plaza)
– TOWARDS THE LIGHT ArtRegister (Gallery K)
– BODY-IMAGE (Kortárs Galéria, Tatbánya)
– Greenzone (Klebelsberg Kultúrkúria)
– Reflections (Saint Mark’s Basilica, Heraklion, Crete)
– WATER COLOR SPACE II. (Széphárom Közösségi Tér)
2023. – Breaking Time (Madách Theatre, Tolnay Salon)
– ArtRegister Christmas exhibition (ETELE PLAZA)
XV. Autumn Exhibition Tatabánya (Kortárs Galéria, Tatabánya Museum)
– Ajka Exhibition (Nagy László Városi Művelődési Központ)
– ArtRegister – Roads and junctions elágazások (K Gallery)
– Crossroads (Liszt Institute Prága)
– Still-life Biennale (Csepel Gallery)
2022.- Artregister openining exhibition (Gallery K)
– Budapest saluta il Giro (Budapest History Museum, Buda Castle Museum)
– Ezüstgerely 2022. – Sport in the Contemporary Hungarian Art (Hungarian Olympic and Sports Museum)
2021. – Mirror (Újpest Gallery)
– KÉP -TÁR – HÁZ II. (Szombathely Gallery)
– Transzparens zone (Újpest Gallery)
– Horizont (Szeged, Reök Palace)
– I. Highlander Art Biennale (Limes Gallery, North-Komárom)
– Door, Window (FUGA Budapesti Center of Architecture)
2020. – Part>Whole (Collages) Contemporary Gallery, Tatabánya
– XXIV. National Landscape Biennale (Gallery Hatvan)
– IV. Spring Exhibition (Hungarian Journalists Community Artspace)
2019. – Around geometry (Újlipótvárosi Club Galllery)
– Dimensions (Szeged, Reök Palace)
– Colored water II. (Nádasdy-vár, Sárvár)
– III. Spring Exhibition (Hungarian Journalists Community Artspace)
2018. – Present (Piano Art Cafe Gallery)
– Variegation (Kondor Béla Art and Community Centre)
– III. National Aquarelle Triennale in Eger (Kepes Institute)
– Water-level (Eger, Hajnóczy House)
– Memory of Gábor Karátson (Fuga)
– Ezüstgerely 2018. Sport in the Contemporary Hungarian Art
(Hungarian Olympic and Sports Museum)
2017. – White pictures (Szigetszentmiklós, City Gallery)
– The exiled park (Széphárom Community Centre)
2016. – Watercolor Painters 25 (Eötvös 10 Gallery)
– Mememory 56 painter about ’56 (Gallery Vaszary, Kaposvár)
– Ezüstgerely competition exhibition. Sport in the Hungarian contemporary art (Hungarian Olympic and Sportmuseum)
2015. – Gesture. 20 Anniversary of the Society of Hungarian Painters (Vizivárosi Gallery)
– Fine Arts National Salon 2015. – Here and now (Kunsthalle)
– 20 years of Parnasszus Lierature Magazine  (Ervin Szabó National Library Gallery, Society of Hungarian Writers; House of Arts, Tatabánya;
Pannon University Veszprém; Sugár Bussines Center, Zugló;
Kálmán Imre Cultural Center, Siófok; Tokaj Writer Camp)
– Message for the present (Újpest Gallery)
2014. – II. National Aquarelle Triennale (Synagogue Gallery, Eger)
– Synapse (Budapest City Hall, Folyosó Galéria)
– KÉP -TÁR – HÁZ 2014. (Szombathely Gallery)
2013. – Intersections points (Budapest City Hall, Folyosó Galéria)
– Ezüstgerely competition exhibition. Sport in the contemporary Hungarian art. (Hungarian Olympic and Sportmuseum)
– Fragments (FUGA, Budapest Center of Architecture)
– Pose / Set (Design Terminal)
– Aquarelles Spring Exhibitions (Újpest Gallery)
2012. – Memory of Rippl-Rónai József (Szekszárd, Old County Hall)
– Artloop Online Gallery, Artloop facebook site
– Foszfor company facebook gallery (Vizuál 2011/2012., Foszfor Anno)
– Events, Relics, Reflexions (Hungarian Academy Rome)
– Gruber -awarded painters exhibition (Csokonai Art and Community Center)
2011. – Ladócsy Gallery (Kartal)
– Ezüstgerely competition exhibition. Sport in the contemporary Hungarian art.
(Hungarian Olympic and Sportmuseum)
– Forrest, tree, flowers (House of Art, Kismaros)
– XXXVI. Summer Exhibition Szeged (REÖK Palace)
– Portfolió Review final-LOFFICE
2010. – „Ironic and majestic” –Memory of László Paizs (Csepel Gallery)
– Black pictures (Olof Palme Ház)
2009. – Radnóti 100. „Writers! What could you do! ”(József Attila Art Centrum)
– Today (Csepel Gallery)
– 7. National Grotesque Competition (Vaszary Gallery, Kaposvár)
2008. – Aquarelles Today (Újpest Gallery)
– Black pictures (Csepel Gallery)
– V. Painting Triennale Szekszárd /Hommage Babits/
– V. Art Expo Fresh (Szentendre Art Mill)
2007. – „Enter” Exhibition of the Károlyi Class
(Thurzó Architecture Gallery) /I was curator of the exhibition/
– The faces of the dream (Csepel Gallery, House of the Arts)
– New Hungarian Avantgarde (Kaposvár)
– „Auftakt” (Unitarian Gallery) /I was curator of the exhibition/
2006. – Ezüstgerely competition exhibition. Sport in the contemporary Hungarian art.
(Hungarian Olympic and Sportmuseum)
– International Design Center és Vam Design Gallery
– IV. Art Expo Fresh (Art Mill, Szentendre)
2005. – 50 Anniversary of the Csokonai (Csokonai Art and Community Center)
– IV. Painting Triennale Szekszárd (Memory of István Farkas)
2004. – Diploma exhibition (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts,
Barcsay Hall)
– „Sport in the Art” (Mussée de Olympique, Lausanne, Switzerland)
– III. Art Expo Fresh (Art Mill, Szentendre)
2003. – Art Universities Festival (Millenaris Fogadó)
– Ezüstgerely competition exhibition. Sport in the contemporary Hungarian art.
(Hungarian Olympic and Sportmuseum)
2002. – National Theatre Festival Pécs POSZT (Dante Café, Pécs)
– II. Art Expo Fresh (Art Mill, Szentendre)
– Barcsay competition (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts,
Barcsay Hall)
2001. – Barcsay competition (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts,
Barcsay Hall)
2000. – Corpus Sanctum (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts,
Barcsay Hall)
– Academic years exhibitions (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts 2000-2003.)
– Andy Warhol Recycled (Fészek Gallery)
1999. – Just black (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts,
Barcsay Hall)
1998. – Disciplies of András Topor painter (House of Hungarians)
– Art Expo (Budapesti International Messercentrum BNV)

Prizes, Awards in painting

2020. – Silver Diploma, IV. Spring Exhibition
(Hungarian Journalists Community Artspace)
2018. – III. Place, Ezüstgerely, Sport in the Hungarian Contemporary Art
2013. – II. Place, Ezüstgerely, Sport in the Hungarian Contemporary Art
2008. – Paint support of Budapest district XIV. Zugló
2006. – Paint support of Budapest district XIV. Zugló
2003. – III. Place, Ezüstgerely, Sport in the hungarian contemporary art
– Gruber Béla award
2002. Barcsay competion creative prize
2000. Pannoncolor prize

Prizes, Awards in teaching

2024. The teacher of the Year award outsdanding for the 2023/24
academic year for his performance and exemplary work
(BKSZC Schulek Frigyes Bilingual Secondary Technical School
for Engineering and Architecture)

2018. – KASTÉLYKERTEK című tablópályázat
XXIV. Nemzetközi Építész Diákkonferencia Miskolc
– Diákok felkészítéséért a Képzőművészeti pályázatra
(Kondor Béla Közösségi Ház)
2014. – Képző- és Iparművészeti pályázatra való felkészítésért
(Kondor Béla Közösségi Ház)
2013. – A művészeti nevelés területén elért kimagasló eredményéért
(Ludwig Múzeum, Fővárosi Komplex Rajzverseny I. Díj)
2012. – Rajztanári díj a Porta Speciosa alapítvány által meghirdetett
“Ipari műemlékek” című pályázat alkalmával elismerésül
XVIII. Nemzetközi Építész Diákkonferencia Szolnok
2010. – Rajztanári díj “Showcase of Young Artist” Your World USA pályázat
2008. – Rajztanári díj a Porta Speciosa alapítvány által meghirdetett
az “Udvarban” és a “Szecesszió a városomban” című pályázatok alkalmával elismerésül
XIV. Nemzetközi Építész Diákkonferencia Szabadka
2006. – Rajztanári díj -„Jövőkép a Jövő Házában” I. Díj (Millenáris Park)
2005. – Rajztanári díj -„Milyen legyen a jövő autója” I. Díj
(Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem OMIKK)

Works in collections

Thurzó Architecture Gallery (Szentendre), Unitarian Collection (Budapest),
Budapest Collection (Ervin Szabó Budapest Library),
Archívum (Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Secondary School of Fine and Applied Arts),
Tamás Dúzsi Budapest Wineshop & Gallery
in private collections, in coffe houses and restaurants


2015. Space dimensions (Artist visions of imagine spaces and reality spaces)
New means in the teaching of drawing and visual culture
(Deák 17 Child and Youth Gallery) 2015. november 14.

2013. “Rush. Pulse! -I see.” SPORT+ Event
Moderator: Norbert Vass criticaster
Autumn Festival of Museums (Hungarian Olympic and Sportmuseum) 2013. október 18.
– Sportos fiatalos kiállítás: http://www.sportmuzeum.hu/?id1=hirek&idcikk=603

2010. -“Cretan culture a and contemporary mitology”
Tutorial hour in Budapest Pedagogicals Days 2010.12.07.
(Frigyes Schulek Bilingual Secondary School of Architecture)
-“Syllabus plans-low period”
Studio lecture for drawing teachers. Organized by Mérei Ferenc Pedagogical and Carrer Institute 2010.11.27.
(Frigyes Schulek Bilingual Secondary School of Architecture)